Monday, November 7, 2011

Note Regarding New Review Site Changes

This blog will be doing a relaunching soon under the new management.

One of the other major changes will be new name which is being changed from Strictly Reviews to Paranormal League City Reviews.

Veronica is currently at home recuperating from an accident and is unable
to continue with this review site. But she also isn't ready to let her baby drift
off. I, *Anya* will continue on with her baby and start anew and will do a 
grand relaunch soon. 

In the mean time, I am look for some serious book reviewers interested in reviewing in the following genres:

Historical Romance
Contemporary Romance
Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Romance
in YaLit and Adult theme novels. 

If you are interested in being a part of The Paranormal League City Review Team please send your info below and lend a link showcasing your work whether its just on Goodreads, Amazon, BN or other online book retail sites. 

I want to make this review site a success and I am hoping to find others will too.



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